Hallux Rigidus & Anterior Shin Splint Syndrome

Hallux Rigidus & Anterior Shin Splint Syndrome

Hallux Rigidus is a kind of osteoarthritis of the 1st MP joint of the big toe. In this condition 1st, MP joint ROM is limited and painful. Due to ROM limitation, movement of the ankle joint is increased, and it needs overworking of ankle joint extensor muscles, which are attached to the tibia, or shin bone. Overusing of muscles makes fatigue, fascial tightness, and pain. This condition is called Anterior Shin Splint Syndrome. There is no surgical treatment for Ant. Shin splint syn., but it needs Osteopathic treatment, including fascial release, and increasing 1st MP joint movement. Care must be taken, to not ignore knee joints problems. You can easily visit an Osteopath, for your chronic pains.

Hallux Rigidus & Anterior Shin Splint Syndrome

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